"No One Believes Me" by Kid Cudi

Geh! Great video and perfect for Halloween :)

Sometimes the wrong choices
bring us to the right places.

Amigo -SHINee

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9780765323118
  • Publisher: Doherty, Tom Associates, LLC
  • Publication date: 4/13/2010
  • Pages: 416

Rating: 4/5


After being interrogated for days by the Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of a major terrorist attack on San Francisco, California, seventeen-year-old Marcus, released into what is now a police state, decides to use his expertise in computer hacking to set things right.


Great book - I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories, but this one is actually a believably realistic plot. It is sometimes annoying how the main character, Marcus, reacts to some situations, but he IS a teenager, so all the more realistic. This book also got me interested in installing Linux and learning a basic level of Python. I particularly liked the in-depth explanations of all the assorted geekery.

"Better Together" by Jack Johnson