I finally decided to get a cat. A kitty is perfect for my living arrangements and my lone wolf style. I guess it was two weeks ago, I went to the pound, and there was Moses, ready to go (sorry Beef Supreme....you'll find a home, too!!). Moses is around a year old Siamese, and he was a perfect darling up until a few days ago.

It all started with the catnip....if I had known, I would've never bought the stuff. One day he's this perfect little angel that greets me at the door when I get home and the next he's turned in to this raving spawn of Satan. Dirt is everywhere (digging up houseplants), a bag of tortillas is ripped to shreds and strung across the living room and Moses is sitting on top of the fridge...as if nothing's wrong. I times like this, I think maybe naming him Midas or General Mao would've been more appropriate.....but I'm being optimistic, darn it! Moral of the story....catnip, if used at all, should be used SPARINGLY. In his defense, Moses is probably the smartest cat I've ever met, which in this case, might or might not be a good thing...
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