Thrift Shop -Maclemore and Ryan Lewis Feat. Wanz

Is there even anything to say about this??? It is practically my life know, almost.

Xmas Kitty


"Free To Be Me" by Francesca Battistelli

Uplifting song. Even though it's a bit older, it always has the ability to raise my spirits!

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again - this time, more intelligently.
- Henry Ford

"No One Believes Me" by Kid Cudi

Geh! Great video and perfect for Halloween :)

Sometimes the wrong choices
bring us to the right places.

Amigo -SHINee

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9780765323118
  • Publisher: Doherty, Tom Associates, LLC
  • Publication date: 4/13/2010
  • Pages: 416

Rating: 4/5


After being interrogated for days by the Department of Homeland Security in the aftermath of a major terrorist attack on San Francisco, California, seventeen-year-old Marcus, released into what is now a police state, decides to use his expertise in computer hacking to set things right.


Great book - I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories, but this one is actually a believably realistic plot. It is sometimes annoying how the main character, Marcus, reacts to some situations, but he IS a teenager, so all the more realistic. This book also got me interested in installing Linux and learning a basic level of Python. I particularly liked the in-depth explanations of all the assorted geekery.

"Better Together" by Jack Johnson

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all ~ in which case, you fail by default.

~JK Rowling

."Тем более" -Иван Дорн cover by Phillip K. & Kim Enok

So, I've been in love with Ivan Dorn for awhile now and I came across this cover when I was stalking researching. I think these guys Phillip Kramarenko and Kim Enok are fantastic.

"Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band

I love the Zac Brown Band. The first time I heard this song, halfway through I was thinking, 'what a total jerk!!' Oh, not so. Sigh...I have to wonder if I have an addiction for sappy, terribly sad stories. Either way, this is worth the few minutes it takes to listen to. You won't regret it! Unless of course you despise country music - then just look up the lyrics :) Better yet, I'll give 'em to ya:

without money we'd all be rich

Monster - BigBang

Another by BigBang - I believe they are my favorite asian pop band (other than DBSK).

"Oh, Tonight" by Josh Abbott Band

I've been in a country mood lately, especially local country. Enjoy this duet, guys :)

Quote 42

You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice.

Sorry, Sorry -Super Junior

This boy band has more members than I have ever seen....ever. Still, it is great and all the members have their own personality which is curious to see.

Quote 41

"If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away" by Justin Moore

Good grief....I hate this song and I love it all in one. It makes my heart break at the thought. Beautiful in it's hope, though

Quote 40


Mirotic -DBSK

DBSK (TVXQ) is one of my favorite asian pop bands. This song pretty much explains it all. My head is bobbing right now...

Quote 39: Aristotle

Shinkirou by Loveholic

Sniff! So gorgeous and calming. Give this a chance, guys. And Black Blood Brothers, too. It's at the end of every episode :)

Quote 38: Dumbledore

Sometimes we must choose between what is
and what is
- Albus Dumbledore

Fantastic Baby - BigBang

Oh my goodness...Big Bang was my introduction to Kpop and here is just another song and MV that makes them so popular. Enjoy.

Quote 37: Einstein

"This Ain't Nothin'" by Craig Morgan and Love to Tornado Victims

This is the one year mark, so I'll post this officially as a reminder...since it was in my personal journals. Although I haven't been back to Missouri or Alabama since August, I know that people are resilient and innately positive in the face of tragedy. We are still thinking about y'all!  
I've spent the past month, two months recording, witnessing, researching - feeling, seeing, tasting the loss and destruction from this year's batch of tornadoes. I can't think of a single thing more sobering, a single memory or experience in my existence that can compare to these tragedies. Above is a picture of an elementary school in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Although I have countless pictures, they really can't tell the story or accurately portray the depth or magnitude of the situation and state of Tuscaloosa, Joplin, and all the other affected communities.

When I was in Alabama, the first week of May, I heard this song on the radio quite a bit, and I think it is a great mantra to couple with the current events. It's heartbreaking (the song and loss), but people are resilient and hope is a thriving, living thing that can push us out of the bleakest, darkest corners. To all of you who have lost family, friends, homes and your sense of safety, I am praying for you! Believe that I am not alone in that statement. The nation, and world are pulsing with love for you; It is my hope that you can feel it.

Quote 36

The past is like an anchor holding us back - you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be.

Replay -SHINee

This is the dance version but it is still amazing. SHINee is a fantastic band with just enough R&B feel.


I Am The Best -2NE1

Love it.

Quote 34

The biggest lies are those that we tell ourselves.

Кустурица -.Братья Грим

Hex Hall (Hex Hall Series #1) by Rachel Hawkins

Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)ISBN-13: 9781423121398
Publisher: Hyperion
Publication date: 2/1/2011
Pages: 352
Series:Hex Hall Series, #1


Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she is a witch. Her non-gifted mother has been supportive, consulting Sophie’s estranged father—a warlock—only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it’s her dad who exiles her to “Hex Hall”, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, fairies, and shape-shifters.
By the end of her first day, Sophie has three new enemies, a futile crush on a warlock, a tagalong ghost, and a vampire roommate. Worse, Sophie soon learns that an unknown predator has been attacking students. As a series of blood-curdling mysteries converges, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.


I really like this book - there's a bunch of wit and sarcasm that suits my taste perfectly. Although I was never a big fan of witches (really, though, who am I to say one paranormal group is better than another?) Hawkins brings a lot of originality and surprise with her story. The romance is a bit lacking but the suspense overall awesomeness more than makes up for that - not to mention, there's no telling what will develop in the second book of this series. I will say, and this goes for all parents of supernatural beings, it's pretty crappy not to tell your children what they are/what they're capable of/the reason they will be persecuted by other supernatural beings. It's getting beyond old.

The ending is a great combo of bowtied excellence and cliffhanger. Lots of things are wrapped up for the reader, but there are also a lot of things that are left unsaid or undealt with...I can't wait to read the next installment in this series! This is worth the read, guys!

Rating: 4/5

Quote 32

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Иван Дорн - Стыцамен

Holy, moly....where have I been while Russia was still making music?! And I am now an official fan of Ivan Dorn...there are other songs that I like of his as well (так сильно, тем более) but this one, pronounced Stitsamen, really gets stuck in my head. Enjoy....I'm off to stalk Dorn via Google like the faithful fan I am.

Engine 2 March

Starting tomorrow will be the next resolution - Engine 2 March. I will be attempting the Engine 2 Diet 28-day Challenge. It sounds pretty intense. Here's a link to the site for you curious folk: Engine 2

Here's the run down:
Week 1 - Cut dairy and white processed foods from diet
Week 2 - Cut meat (this includes egg)
Week 3 - Cut all oils
Week 4 - Tough it out

So by the third week I won't be able to eat dairy, meat or oil....and the book also mentions to cut caffeine...sigh. One thing's for sure, though - I will definitely be healthier and most likely smaller by the end of the month. Wish me luck!

Was I really the last?

This month I switched all my bills to online banking. Was that the sound of your jaw hitting the floor? I know, I'm practically the last of my generation. I kind of like getting mail (even if it's a bill) and writing checks (even if it's money our of my pocket) and buying stamps (even if they're the most expensive piece of sticky paper on the planet). Call me old fashioned, but that whole process, although much more tedious, isn't something I mind doing. For the sake of efficiency, though, I will join the rest of the world. It's sometimes easier to move forward than backwards...God save the company that screws up my first online payment...

Get Organized! February....or not... I'll just come out and say it....this month's resolution - Get Organized! February - big, big fail. I got most of my personal paperwork in order but I am a total slob when it comes to continuous cleaning. My kitchen looked pretty good most of the time but every day before work I would throw clothes around and create huge shirt piles. And the stuff! I have a lot of....well, stuff. Books, clothes, trinkets....point is, February was not a successful resolution. I haven't thought of penalties or re-do's or if I should just resign it to history, but I'll think about it. March is Engine 2 March. Be ready.

Need (Need Series #1) by Carrie Jones


    Need (Need Series #1)
  • ISBN-13: 9781599904535
  • Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
  • Publication date: 12/8/2009
  • Pages: 336
  • Series:Need Series, #1

Zara White suspects there's a freaky guy semi-stalking her. She's also obsessed with phobias. And it's true, she hasn't exactly been herself since her stepfather died. But exiling her to shivery Maine to live with her grandmother? That seems a bit extreme. The move is supposed to help her stay sane...but Zara's pretty sure her mom just can't deal with her right now.

She couldn't be more wrong. Turns out the semi-stalker is not a figment of Zara's overactive imagination. In fact, he's still following her, leaving behind an eerie trail of gold dust. There's something not right - not human - in this sleepy Maine town, and all signs point to Zara.

In this creepy, compelling breakout novel, Carrie Jones delivers romance, suspense, and a creature you never thought you'd have to fear.
I kind of knew what I was getting in to when I checked this book out - paranormal romance YA style - and there were some major pros and cons. To start with, the plot was pretty unoriginal; after a tragic event, a girl moves to a desolate area to cope and falls in love with a guy of a different fantastical species. Oh, and there's a protagonist hot guy and stuck up girl to throw in the mix. I've been into fey lately, so that was a plus - check out Patricia Briggs or Julia Kagawa. And the stalker! Did NOT see that development coming. Not immediately anyway. Zara is pretty slow at piecing things together, even more that I am. She is quite a self-sacrificing main character but I don't think it's so much intentional as not thinking before acting.'s bad when you get flustered at a book (image of someone yelling in a theater, "Don't go outside! You know he's waiting for you behind that bush! Oh, heavens, she went outside....stupid girl...")
With all my ragging, I still enjoyed this book, but it was a little slow in development. I like the phobia thing, too. It's pretty crazy how many are actually named - phonophobia: fear of voices or noises.....really?! It's worth checking out if you have a lazy day or into Twilight or Linger scenarios.
Rating: 3/5 

"Crazy Girl" by Eli Young Band

Lovely Library....mildly jealous.

Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. 

Get Organized! February Week 1

If you looked at my place, you would not think I was very product - it still looks like a clothes and junk war took place in my living room and bedroom - but I divided areas to clean each day and set aside time in my schedule to actually 'DO.' That's the hardest part: Doing. All clothes not hanging I chunked in my closet and shut the door...quick fix and doesn't really count but it made me feel better! This coming week I will begin the true cleaning and organizing and paring down of STUFF.

Chae Yoen - Dagawa

Sometimes you're just surfing YouTube and come across the most random things....I was looking at random art videos and heard this song playing in the background of an origami tutorial (which is totally irrelevant). I don't know Korean, but I think this song is catchy.

Eat You Up -BoA

This is a super catchy song! I like the dancing, too. Enjoy.

Get Organized! February Begins

This month I will be attempting to clean up my apartment, paperwork, workspace, vehicle....anything and everything to constitute a more organized and efficiently, uh, clean lifestyle. Wish me luck!

No cokes January - Week 4

This was the last week and it was victorious - if only for that flipping orange Fanta last week I would have been golden. Sigh. I will say that I no longer want cokes and tomorrow I plan to buy a pack of Diet Coke so I don't try to revert  back to my old ways. 'Diet is bad for you." Hush up, fools. Drinking a pack of regular cokes a week is bad for you. Diet might not be much better but it is an improvement. And that is all. One resolution complete!

Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike

I just recently came across this song and I LOVE IT. The piano melody really gets stuck in your head!! Enjoy.

2 Stories a Day

This video, which I found on shows the construction of a pre-fab, 30 story building in the Chinese province of Hunan being constructed in 15 days. That's right - half a month. For 30 stories. As a member of the construction world, of course it is intriguing, but! How is that possible? What's the catch?

After watching the video and reading a few articles (like this and this), it's pretty clear that there is no 'catch:' the structure itself took 15 days to construct. Sitework, foundation, and pre-fabrication (which probably took FOREVER) are not in this timespan. It's still pretty neat to see though. I am interested in knowing the manpower that was able to complete this on time...

No cokes January - Week 3

Big Fail. I went to Family Dollar today and say this fantastic glass orange soda bottle that looked curiously like a lava lamp and had to have it - it was all about the bottle. After I opened it and took a swig in my truck, I knew I had taken a bite of the forbidden fruit....instant deflate. (Good?) news was it tasted like a mouthful of sugar and I no longer wanted or drank after that first gulp. So only small fail.

Quote 28: Roosevelt

“The single most important ingredient to success is the ability to deal with people.”
-Theodore Roosevelt

No cokes January - Week 2

Once again, no problems. I drink a bunch of tea now though....I've never really liked water so I've traded tea and tried to stick with unsweet for good measure. I will say, every once in a while I get a pang - "I really want a Dr. Pepper..." Mainly though, it hasn't been bad at all, only somewhat inconvenient. God forbid I think about what I eat and drink ;)

Manga: Annarasumanara

Annarasumanara안나라수마나라 (Korean)
Ha Il Kwon

A rumor goes around school about an abandoned amusement park and a magician who lives there that can make someone disappear for good. Yoon Ai, a very smart girl in her class, struggles to feed herself and her sister everyday. She just wants to become an adult faster so that she can escape from the poverty and the reality of her current situation. One day, her life changes as she meets a childish magician.

Why am I so drawn to stories like this - stories that at first glace (and second glance for that matter) are terribly dismal? It took quite a ways into this manga to understand where the author was trying to steer the reader. It was a great journey nonetheless. I especially like the graphics - everything is so sharp and intense! The artist has the ability in this medium to express emotion like music: soft and loud emotions, tragic and uplifting moments. Although I am not completely content with the ending, I LOVE the theme and overall message: the uniqueness of self and being true to that regardless of the pressures the world might pose upon us. I highly recommend this manga. Art and content are top notch.

Favorite line:
"How must you live to say you're living well?"

Rating: 5/5

"Liar, liar" by A Fine Frenzy


No cokes January - Week 1

I did excellent this week!! Not even a glimmer of wavering from my 30 day goal of no cokes - btw, in Texas, all carbonated drinks can be denoted as 'coke.' Really. Wish me luck the rest of the month!

Personal Preference (Korean Drama)

Personal PreferenceAlso known as 개인의 취향 / Kaeinui Chwihyang / Gae In's Taste / Personal Taste / Gaeinui Chwihyang / 个人趣向
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Category: Korean Drama
Film Date: March, 2010
Episodes: 16


Jeon Jin Ho is pretending to be gay in order to gain access to a mysterious mansion that was built by a famous architect Mr.Park. His daughter, Park Kae In would never accept him as a renter so he pretended to be gay.His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he’s known for his stoic poker face. He’s a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out women’s feelings. Kae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Kae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?

This is my first Korean drama, and I think I picked a winner. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to Korean culture, etc., but I found this series refreshing. The characters are also really dynamic and the story line is entertaining. Gae In is an interesting lead role, and although I don't really like that type of personality usually, it went well with this plot. Reminds me a little of Nodame Cantible anime. I also loved the house that Gae In's father built...I would love to live in a place that amazing - especially the table at floor level. You just have to see it.

 Rating: 4/5


Quote 27: Frost