It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all ~ in which case, you fail by default.

~JK Rowling

."Тем более" -Иван Дорн cover by Phillip K. & Kim Enok

So, I've been in love with Ivan Dorn for awhile now and I came across this cover when I was stalking researching. I think these guys Phillip Kramarenko and Kim Enok are fantastic.

"Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band

I love the Zac Brown Band. The first time I heard this song, halfway through I was thinking, 'what a total jerk!!' Oh, not so. Sigh...I have to wonder if I have an addiction for sappy, terribly sad stories. Either way, this is worth the few minutes it takes to listen to. You won't regret it! Unless of course you despise country music - then just look up the lyrics :) Better yet, I'll give 'em to ya: